The increasing Human Population
The increasing human population is a fundamental problem in this world. Every year the amount of human in this earth always happens an elevation. According to statistic rate of United Nations, the rate of world population has reached two billion people. If this condition is left, it will cause a population explosion or usually it is called overpopulation. There are several factors that cause the increasing human population.
First, the increasing population can be caused by health side. For instance, modern technology such as USG machine, caesar tools and many others can help pregnant mother to check and to asisst the birth process. The increasing quality of madicines and nutrition suplements also give a contribution to care the mother’s health and the conditions of the baby in the womb. Furthermore, the high quality of medical service can decrease mortality rate. Professional experts, quick handling and good medical facilities are the parts of good medical service. Because of those reasons public health will be guaranteed. In addition, free medical service program which has concepted by the government will help poor people to get good quality of medical service . Moreover, the presentation for health protection to the public can make them clear and understand how to live healthy. So, if they apply healthy life rules in their life, it can prevent them from desease attack. Shortly, the increasing medical quality and the attention of the government can elevate world population.
Second, in social terms can cause high rate population. For instance, immigration is one of several fundamental factors. Many people move from one place to another place. So it can make a fast human growth in this world. Early marriage is current problem which happens around us. Free sex is the fundamental reason why many teenagers got married earlier. Actually, the lack of information about sex is cause of free sex. If many teenagers got married earlier, it means many underage couples will result child. Polygamy is also another factor which cause overpopulation. Automatically, the polygamysts will have some children from their wifes. Polygamy would increase the number of residents. Decreasing criminality rate is another factor that can increase the number of human. The increasing quality of public security is a basic factor Indirectly, these events will impact on the homicide rate. If this condition is not immediately controlled, it will cause a larger population explosion.
Third, traditional culture terms is another factor to increase the number of human. Many people believe that if they have a lot of kids, they also will have a lot of luck. So, it means that if they want to get a lot of luck they must have a lot of kids. Indirectly, This fact will impact on the increasing human rate.
In conclusion, there are several factors which cause increasing human population. The Increasing medical service quality, the attention of the government, health information, early marriage, polygamy, decreasing homicide rate and a belief that have many children will be a lot of luck. If these factors are not controlled, it will be a human rate explosion.
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