Monday, May 28, 2012
Yuuk Belajar Bahasa Perancis Pake Lirik Lagu
Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God ( Chez Dieu )
Une route déserte franchi une autre ligne à froid
Miles de ceux que j'aime, le but difficile à trouver
Alors que je me souviens de tous les mots que vous m'avez parlé
Je ne peux m'empêcher souhaite que j'étais là, là où j'aimerais être, oh yeah
Cher Dieu, la seule chose que je vous demande
Est-ce à la tenir quand je ne suis pas là, quand je suis beaucoup trop loin
Nous avons tous besoin que la personne qui peut être vrai pour vous
Mais je l'ai quittée quand je l'ai trouvé et maintenant je souhaite que j'aie séjourné
Parce que je suis seul et je suis fatigué, tu me manques encore, oh non, encore une fois
Il n'y a rien ici pour moi sur cette route désertique
Il n'y a personne ici alors que la ville dort et tous les magasins sont fermés
Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser aux fois où j'ai eu avec vous
Photos et quelques souvenirs auront pour m'aider à travers, oh ouais
Cher Dieu, la seule chose que je vous demande
Est-ce à la tenir quand je ne suis pas là, quand je suis beaucoup trop loin
Nous avons tous besoin que la personne qui peut être vrai pour vous
Je l'ai laissée quand je l'ai trouvé et maintenant je souhaite que j'aie séjourné
Parce que je suis seul et je suis fatigué, tu me manques encore, oh non, encore une fois
Eh bien, un peu de recherche ne jamais trouver un moyen
Avant longtemps, ils dépérissent
Je vous ai trouvé, quelque chose me dit de rester
J'ai cédé à des moyens égoïstes
Et comment me manque quelqu'un pour se tenir où l'espoir commence à s'estomper
Une route déserte franchi une autre ligne à froid
Miles de ceux que j'aime, le but difficile à trouver
Cher Dieu, la seule chose que je vous demande
Est-ce à la tenir quand je ne suis pas là, quand je suis beaucoup trop loin
Nous avons tous besoin de la personne qui peut être vrai pour vous
Je l'ai laissée quand je l'ai trouvé et maintenant je souhaite que j'aie séjourné
Parce que je suis seul et je suis fatigué, tu me manques encore, oh non, encore une fois
Just Intermezzo
Lelaki non Muslim bertanya: “Kenapa dalam Islam wanita tidak
boleh jabat tangan dengan pria?”
Lelaki muslim menjawab: “Bisakah kamu berjabat
tangan dengan Ratu Elizabeth?"
Lelaki non Muslim Menjawab:
“Oh tentu tidak bisa! cuma orang2 tertentu saja yg bisa berjabat tangan dengan
Lelaki muslim tersenyum &
berkata:” Wanita2 kami (kaum Muslimin) adalah para ratu, & ratu tidak boleh
berjabat tangan dengan pria sembarangan (yg bukan muhrimnya)”
Lelaki non Muslim bertanya
lagi :”Kenapa perempuan Islam menutupi tubuh dan rambut mereka?”
Lelaki muslim tersenyum dan
mengeluarkan 2 permen dari sakunya, ia membuka yang pertama terus yang satu
lagi dibiarkan terbungkus. Dia melemparkan keduanya kelantai yang kotor.
Lelaki muslim bertanya: ”
Jika saya meminta anda untuk mengambil satu permen, mana yang anda
Lelaki non Muslim menjawab:
“Yang tertutup..”
Lelaki muslim berkata: ”
Itulah cara kami memperlakukan dan melihat perempuan kami" :)
Eurovision 2012
The Eurovision Song Contest 2012 was the 57th annual Eurovision Song Contest. It was held in Baku, Azerbaijan, following Azerbaijan's win in the 2011 Contest. It was won by singer Loreen from Sweden with the song "Euphoria". Russia finished second, Serbia third, host Azerbaijan finished fourth, and Albania fifth, its first Top 5
placing. Germany, Italy and Spain were the three members of the "Big Five" that
managed to rank within the top 10, finishing in 8th, 9th and 10th places
respectively.The venue for the 2012 Contest was the Baku Crystal Hall in the Azerbaijani capital.
The design of the contest is built around the motto "Light your fire!", inspired by the nickname of Azerbaijan itself, "Land of Fire".
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Belajar Aksara Cyrilic Ala IBNU Darmanovic
Huruf yang hampir sama penulisan dan pengucapannya dengan huruf latin
- A/a pengucapannya sama seperti ”a” pada kata ”abu”, ”mata”, dll.
- K/к pengucapannya sama seperti “k” pada kata “kain”, “aku”, dll.
- M/м pengucapannya sama seperti “m” pada kata “malu”, “karam”, dll.
- O/o pengucapannya sama seperti “o” pada kata “ombak”, “sendok”, dll.
- T/т pengucapannya sama seperti “t” pada kata “tanpa”, “batu”, dll.
Huruf yang hampir sama penulisannya tetapi berbeda pengucapannya
- В/в pengucapannya sama dengan “v” pada kata “veda”, “Latvia”, dll. Terkadang dilafalkan pula dengan “w” pada kata “warna”, “lawan”, dll.
- E/e pengucapannya sama dengan “ye” pada kata “yes”, “sovyet”, dll.
- H/н pengucapannya sama dengan “n” pada kata “nama”, “senam”, dll.
- P/p pengucapannya sama dengan “r” pada kata “rusa”, “cakram”, dll.
- C/c pengucapannya sama dengan “s” pada kata “suka”, “pasar”, dll.
- У/у pengucapannya sama dengan “u” pada kata “uang”, “buka”, dll.
- X/x pengucapannya sama dengan “h” pada kata “hukum”, “bahwa”, dll. Terkadang dilafalkan pula dengan “kh” pada kata “khalifah”, “khotib”, dll.
Huruf yang tidak sama penulisannya dengan huruf latin, tetapi sama pengucapannya dengan huruf latin
- Б/б pengucapannya sama dengan “b” pada kata “batu”, “obat”, dll.
- Г/г pengucapannya sama dengan “g” pada kata “gaya”, “bagi”, dll.
- Д/д pengucapannya sama dengan “d” pada kata “dia”, “beda”, dll. Terkadang pada kata-kata tertentu terdengar hampir seperti huruf “t”.
- З/з pengucapannya sama dengan “z” pada kata “zakat”, “zaman”, dll.
- И/и pengucapannya sama dengan “i” pada kata “iman”, “bisu”, dll.
- Л/л pengucapannya sama dengan “l” pada kata “lampu”, “sial”, dll.
- П/п pengucapannya sama dengan “p” pada kata “pohon”, “rapuh”, dll.
- Ф/ф pengucapannya sama dengan “f” pada kata “firman”, “tafsir”, dll.
- Э/э pengucapannya sama dengan “e” pada kata “etos”, “alien”, dll.
Huruf yang tidak terdapat pada huruf latin, baik pada penulisannya maupun pelafalannya
- Ю/ю pengucapannya sama dengan “yu” pada kata “yunani”, “kayu”, dll.
- Я/я pengucapannya sama dengan “ya” pada kata “Yaman”, “kaya”, dll.
- Ё/ё pengucapannya sama dengan “yo” pada kata “yoyo”, “bayonet”, dll.
- Ж/ж pengucapannya sama dengan “zh” pada kata “alzheimer”, “scerzho”, dll.
- Ц/ц pangucapannya sama dengan “ts” pada kata “Tsar”, “fatsal”, “jutsu”, dll. Terkadang pada kata-kata tertentu terdengar hampir atau digunakan sebagai pengganti “c”.
- Ч/ч pengucapannya sama dengan “ch” pada kata “china”, “sinchan”, dll
- Ш/ш pengucapannya sama dengan “sh” pada kata, “Washington”, dll. atau sama dengan “sy” pada kata “syirik”, “tasyrik”, dll
- Щ/щ diucapkan kira-kira seperti “shcha”
- Ы/ы pengucapannya sama dengan “i” pada kata “ambil”, “jepit”, dll. Dari sumber lain biasanya ada yang menyebutkan bahwa bunyi “ы” sama dengan “eu”.
- Й/й dipakai untuk kata berbentuk diftong, seperti “i” pada kata“amboi”,“pawai” dll.
Simbol untuk membantu cara pengucapan
- Ъ/ъ tanda keras (tvyordi znak), sebenarnya jarang digunakan. Dipakai untuk menandai jeda pada suku kata tertentu.
- Ь/ь tanda lembut (myagkiy znak), digunakan untuk membuat huruf sebelumnya terdengar ‘lembut’. Kata yang terbentuk seperti “siul” (perhatikan dan rasakan bahwa seakaan-akan ada huruf “y” sebelum huruf “u”).

Friday, November 25, 2011
My Friends Assignments
Fabyan Nurafditya
Smoking to be habits for some people, many people smoking in everywhere. They didn’t care about effect of smoking, in the cigarette you can find many chemicals and this is very dangerous to our body, for example smoking can make cancer and impotence. Smoker passive more dangerous compared smoker active but many smokers active didn’t care with other people. Although smoking is dangerous to our body and healthy.
High price of education
The high price of education is causing some serious effects in our live. First, high price of education increases unemployment. Some people are not continues their study in the higher grade because of this matter. Some people only can feel their education until they graduated from Elementary School or Junior High School. Some of them also stop before they graduated. After they stop from their education, they are tried to find jobs. But we know that in Indonesia at least people should be Senior High School graduated to get the job. Because they are not accepted, they just become unemployment people. Furthermore, one of the effect of high price of education is many children stop their education. They can not get 9 years of education like government suggest. For example, some of phenomenon that happened in Indonesia, is they late pay until 10 month and over so that the children fell embarrassed and they won’t go to school again. Some of the children also end their life because they fell ashamed cannot pay their school. Next, high price of education leads to social jealousy. Many smart children from the poor family cannot continued their study because the high price. But children from rich family who just go to school as long as they like can continue their study because they can pay more. Shortly, there are some negative effects as a result of high place of education.
Name : Annida Hanifa
Class : C
NIM : 20110540075
Winda Silviana (20110540076)
High Price of Education
High price of education is a big problem in education now. There are many children steps their school, unemployment, moreover social jealously because high price of education. The biggest effect for high price of education is the children stops their school because of their parents can’t pay their school. They should study nine years because of the high price of education so they only study for six years. Not only they had study in school, must stops from their school because their parents not capable to pay the cost of their school. That problem also have consequence to high of unemployment. They who just graduate from junior high school will get difficulty to get the job because more company need a staff who have graduate minimum from senior high school. Once again, effect from high price of education is social jealously who seems in society. They who stops their school feel that unfairly of education because they though just who have money get school. They consider that who rich will get certification. In conclusion, high price of education is problem in education.
Ibnu Muslim Putra D. (20110540113)
I |
ncreasing human population is one of the most serious threats to mankind, we can review the cause of the increasing human population of several factors. First, we know that the rising in birth rate is one important causes of increasing human population. The early marriage and free sex are the fundamental factors. Medicines of today can boost the reproductive rate in human beings. There are medicines and treatments, which can help in conception. Thus, science has led to an increase in birth rate. This is certainly a reason to be proud and happy but advances in medicine have also become a cause of increasing people population. Second, The fall in death rates that is decrease in mortality rate is one causes of increasing people population. The elevation of health quality can support it. The new inventions in medicine have brought in treatments for most of the dreadful diseases. This has resulted in an increase in the life expectancy of individuals. Mortality rate has declined leading to an increase in population. Third, Immigration is a problem in some countries in the world. If the inhabitants of various countries migrate to a certain country and settle over there, the area is bound to suffer from the ill effects of overpopulation. If the rates of emigration from a certain country do not match the rates of immigration to that country, overpopulation makes its way. The country becomes overly populated. The last one, lack of education is another important cause of overpopulation. Those lacking education fail to understand the need to prevent excessive growth of population. They are unable to understand the harmful effects that overpopulation has. In conclusion, increasing human population is caused by several factors. Those factors can make overpopulation if we do not overcome the rising of population.
Name : Abdul Rasyid Ghazali
NIM : 20110540108
Class : C
High Price of Education
Education is very important for everybody, but if the education have a high price, many children are unable to have their education, that should have gotten in the formal or informal institute. Consequently, many children do not understand about ethics, courtesy and do not have good manners. Minim jobs cause many unemployment in Indonesia who have certificate or high school they easy to get some job, but, if we have not certificate or high school we can’t get job cause it in Indonesia have many unemployment. Futhermore, high price of education cause social jealousy. For example, a child with great intelligence but have no enough money, is unable to have a school. On the other hand, rich children with bad intelligence could have an education which it’s not suitable with their skills. The worst is there are so many crimes. This effect is result from unskilled and poor knowledge people. Furthermore, they have no skill, so they will do anything for surviving in this world. Therefore, Indonesian government should not discriminate school and should provide subsidies for small people, so all children can have school.
Novianti Renis (20110540100)
The Cause of Poverty
Poverty is the terrified things in this world. There are so many factors which causes the poverty, like low in education, no opportunity, too many unemployment, etc. Most of Indonesian people is low in education because that poverty itself. But in fact, poverty can be overcome if they want to try to fix it by not being lazy. On the other hand, people who want to progress their quality of life hindered by lack of employment. It is possible to person who have skill but no education to get work with their skill. But back to the most problem, many people are too lazy to do something. That is the most cause why they are poor.
Ahmad Sahal Mahfudz (20110540083)
The Cause of Increasing World Population
That the world population is increasing is brought about by some aspects. First the level of giving birth to is getting higher and higher. One couple might have more than two children, Otherwise our government through BKKBN takes a role that one couple might only have two children to overcome the exploded of increasing population. In addition, many people get early married. Indeed it is also caused by poverty problem. In particular, many under 20 years old girl get married with 30 till 35 years old boy because of the girl family don’t have much money to survive. It’s also resulted by low education of the socity. The society tends to think that having many children will result at much fortune indeed; many couple might have more than five children. Consequently people those cause above results the increasing world population.
Rizka Puspitasari (20110540084)
Causes of Overpopulation
Overpopulation is one of the most serious threats to mankind. There are many cause of overpopulation, is caused by decline in the death rate, the fall in the death rates is decline in mortality rate is one fundamental causes of overpopulation. Rise in the birth rate, medicines of today can boost the reproductive rate in human beings. There are medicines and treatments, which can help in conception. Thus, science has led to an increase in birth rate. migration, Immigration is a problem in some parts of the world. If the inhabitants of various countries migrate to a particular part of the world and settle over there, the area is bound to suffer from the ill effects of overpopulation. If the rates of emigration from a certain nation do not match the rates of immigration to that country, overpopulation makes its way. Lack of education, Illiteracy is another important cause of overpopulation. Those lacking education fail to understand the need to prevent excessive growth of population. They are unable to understand the harmful effects that overpopulation has. They are unaware of the ways to control population. Lack of family planning is commonly seen in the illiterate lot of the world. This is one of the major factors leading to overpopulation. By definition, overpopulation is the condition where the number of organisms exceeds the carrying capacity of their habitat. We are facing the effects of overpopulation in our daily lives. Overpopulation has impacted the life of common man and has proved be one of the gravest difficulties that have to be fought. Overpopulation implies scarcity of resources and economic inflation, these are the monsters which can make life miserable.
Eva Naflakha Naimatun (20110540081)
causes of divorce
there are seven causes of divorce, the first communication, lack of opportunity to communicate an intense, with good quality. Second, Unrealistic Expectations, hope the pair will change after marriage. Third, the 'Power' In Marriage, There are husbands who want to take control, there is a wife wants a set. Fourth, Role Conflict, In marriage there will be division of roles, such as who care for children, who make a living. Fifth, Love charm, some say rather than given a feeling of falling in love, it's better to maintain given the strength of love. Sixth, Affair (The Third), The existence of a third person to make a marriage difficult to sustain. And the Last, Sex This is the smallest of reasons for breakdown of a household.
Puji Astutik (20110540088)
Cause of Divorce :
There are many factors that can lead to divorce
Including :
1. Disharmony in the household
2. The lack of morality
3. Marriage without love
4. Lack of mutual trust
5. The existence of a third person
There are several factors that lead to divorce, such as lack of harmony in the household.if in a family is not based on the harmony, then the family will easily cracked.in family is not harmony be easily affected by the problem and making it easy to get to divorce.and marriage should also be constituted with love, without love relationship is not going to get to wedding.and also with the alklaq(morality), morality is very instrumental in family.how a husband would be a good leader in the family, without good manners.The trust is very important in foster family,in a marriage relationship is also required of mutual trust towards their partner and not to any third person who can cause problems that lead to divorce.
Rini Maliha (20110540109)
There are several factors of divorce. Starting they found discrepancies in their marriage. People will feel like a failure to settle this problem or crisis. Because what would they see is the same problem repeated. This is caused by at least two causes.
Persons concerned are not willing to change They have not mastered a way to resolve the problem. That does not work, finally engaging in a cycle, the cycle can not finish a fight that.
When you get to this point we usually give up.
Then we will feel the hell, going to drop, our partners and not ignored.
Prolonged pain and unbearable this is often a trigger or encourage people to get divorced.
Persons concerned are not willing to change They have not mastered a way to resolve the problem. That does not work, finally engaging in a cycle, the cycle can not finish a fight that.
When you get to this point we usually give up.
Then we will feel the hell, going to drop, our partners and not ignored.
Prolonged pain and unbearable this is often a trigger or encourage people to get divorced.
Oryza Septaviana (20110540079)
The biggest factor of smoking habits are influenced by social or environmental factors, where the character of someone much shaped by the environment, either from family, neighbors, or her social friends. Socializing is the main way in children and adolescents to find their identity. In view of the health effects of chemical ingredients in cigarettes such as nicotine bladder, CO (carbon monoxide) and will spur the work of the central nervous system, and it resulted in the blood can increase and stimulate rapid heartbeat beating cancer and other diseases, such as, constriction of blood vessels, high blood pressure, heart, lungs, and bronchitis, chronic, for pregnant women, smoking causes premature birth, low weight babies, prenatal mortality and impaired in fetal development.
Fatihatun Cahyaning Tyas (20110540105)
Smoking is very popular in the teens. Especially the boys. Everywhere, we can see the smoker. They feel enjoy with it. But, in fact, smoking is very dangerous. It can make the develop impotence, pregnancy disorders, asthma, lung disorders, etc. However, they are not concerned with the effect. Smoking can also cause waste. Money will be quickly exhausted. In addition, smokers will lose its activity concentration, especially for students. In short, smoke a lot of dangers than benefits.
NIM : 20110540087
Health is very important for our lives, therefore, we must maintain our health.
There are a few tips on maintaining health : The first, eating nutritious food, nutritious foods because our bodies can keep the power to stay healthy and strong. the second, adequate rest and sleep. because with enough sleep can increase endurance and energy in the body, so as to avoid us from harmful disease. The third is a diligent worship, because worship and pray to Implement a regular basis to meet our spiritual needs, Praying is an effective tool in preventing and combating mental health problems. The fourth, Reduce Watching Television, Film and Video / Online Game.because by Watching television, movies or playing games excessively can affect our mental health.T he latter is to do a recreation outside the home, because the recreation can bring peace to the mind and calm our minds.
Nama :Windi Ristiarini
NIM :20110540093
Class :C
Causes of poverty
Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money. Absolute poverty or destitution refers to being unable to afford basic human needs, which commonly includes clean and fresh water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter. About 1.7 billion people are estimated to live in absolute poverty today. Relative poverty refers to lacking a usual or socially acceptable level of resources or income as compared with others within a society or country.
Poverty has many causes, some of them very basic. Some experts suggest, for instance, that the world has too many people, too few jobs, and not enough food. But such basic causes are quite intractable and not easily eradicated. In most cases, the causes and effects of poverty interact, so that what makes people poor also creates conditions that keep them poor. Primary factors that may lead to poverty include overpopulation, the unequal distribution of resources in the world economy, inability to meet high standards of living and costs of living, inadequate education and employment opportunities, environmental degradation, certain economic and demographic trends, and welfare incentives.
Failed to communicate, not fit between the husband and wife to divorce are common. Lack of communication makes the lack of mutual understanding and make pertengkaran.ini will lead to divorce if they are unwilling or fail to communicate.
Other causes of divorce being unfaithful is one of the cheating partner. Couples who can not forgive and choose divorce. otherwise, choose the pair divorced is just for the sake of her new boyfriend.
Other causes of divorce being unfaithful is one of the cheating partner. Couples who can not forgive and choose divorce. otherwise, choose the pair divorced is just for the sake of her new boyfriend.
child is a victim of the most injured when his parents divorced. Children can feel the fear of losing a father or mother, afraid of losing the affection of parents who do not live right now. They also may feel guilty and think of themselves as the cause. Achievement of children in school will decrease or they become more often alone.
Name : Anne Feby Delia Rusmana
NIM : 20110540111
High Price of Education
Education most important for any people, but if education have high price many child unable steps their education, consequently many children who do not understand ethics, courtesy and do not have good manners. Minim jobs cause many unemployment in Indonesia who have certificate or high school they easy to get some job, but if we have not certificate or high school we can’t get job cause it in Indonesia have many unemployment. Futhermore high price of education cause social jealousy for example child who many money can have school, those who have a considerable cost to school when they do not necessarily have enough brains while they are having a nice brain or intelligent but do not have school fees can not. Shortly there are negative effect as a result of high price education. Therefore Indonesian government should not discriminate school and should provide subsidies for small people so all children can have school.
Fitria Dwi Marta Irianti (20110540089)
There are many effect of poverty. The first, many unemployment. Because of unemployment and level of education someone are very different. There is a high and there is a low. So, there is a result of poverty and there is a result of wealthy. Effect of poverty, because many unemployment is low. So the people can’t to work and haven’t of money or haven’t to production to their survive and their family’s needs.
Effect of poverty becomes hereditary in the family. Because in the family, if their parents cannot provide for their children to pay for school, then it’s automatically a child will can’t at the end of their school and finally a child will be work with the potluck. It means they work with odd jobs and their salary isn’t enough to support their daily needs. So, we must to help the same humans and we must to expand the work in Indonesian in order that there is no poverty.
So, let us the younger generation to study hard. That we also can participate eradicate poverty in Indonesia.
The second, many people kill themselves. Because of poverty experiences is very much. Such as basic needs that not meet the displaced stress, frustration and the best way is suicide for save the poverty. The third, lack of the nutrition needs. Because of basic needs that is very high. So, the people cannot buy the foods that contain lost of nutrients, as recommended that four or five perfectly healthy. The forth, many people cannot school. Because of the high cost of education, so many children to becomes idle and cause them to look for his own living, by begging, robbing, singing and even they became insane. The last, the women to sell themselves and kill their children, because they cannot provide for their children.
Elsha Pramunindya Wardhani (20110540103)
Cause over Population is Lack of Education
Many people in this country make lack of education. Meanwhile, many people in an economic are not able, so they are not give education to children’s. Illiteracy is another cause of overpopulation. Many people still think “Many Children Many Luck “and that is still due some people. Lack of family planning is commonly seen in the illiteracy lot of the country. Thus, we must balance between the increase populations with people.
In conclusion, over population becomes a disaster to some people, because lack of education will cause poverty in this country.
Shani Indri Astuti (20110540086)
Poverty is the inability of a person to meet their needs such as food and education.
Poverty has many causes. First, high price of education ,many unemployed due to lack of work. Many who can’t attend school because they do not have a cost and many also quit school due to an inability to pay school fees are very high. The causes are numerous like lack of government attention towards the poor and many people in the world. In addition, poverty is also happening because they do not want to try and lazy to find a job. see a lot of poverty is the government should pay more attention to conditions such as increasing jobs and free education for underprivileged communities. So the government should pay more attention to people who are less capable.
Effect poverty
in Indonesian there are various consequences of poverty a lot of women sell themselves . although it's a big risk for her, even many of those are pregnant and have an abortion or killing the baby’s, although not a few of them who had the child and sell it to others because they are unable to needs the baby's .and other risks of this it is exposed to the HIV Aids virus because the virus is vulnerable to contagious if changing sex partners. However in Indonesian have a lot of people living with HIV aids but her knowledge of the diseases was very less. shortly in Indonesian especially in Jakarta many women are sell herself to needs her life.
Name: Hendras ayu wulansari
Nim : 20110540107
Divorce to cause : wife or husband is dishone, to be idle , a creese , wife is ifertile , wife or husband is criminal , the wife not give possessed . Many children wound in this problem . they to give rein to way to free without meddling parents . And according to direct , destructive generation is country . metode to use for exceed this problem is think married thump for future.
Divorce to cause : wife or husband is dishone, to be idle , a creese , wife is ifertile , wife or husband is criminal , the wife not give possessed . Many children wound in this problem . they to give rein to way to free without meddling parents . And according to direct , destructive generation is country . metode to use for exceed this problem is think married thump for future.
Name : Upik Maria Ulfah
NIM : 20110540091
Class : C
Poverty is one of biggest problem in this world. There are many causes of poverty. For instance, low levels of education, unstable population growth, lacks of job, high cost living, etc. In fact, not easy to eliminate poverty in this world, because people mostly prefer the instant case and remain faithful to the laziness, rather than proceed and think. That’s what keeps them trapped in poverty. But if they want to change the way of life of poor, poverty in this world will be reduce. In particular, by way of improving the quality of education, create jobs, eliminate laziness and also hone skill. Shortly, people must improve the quality of thinking and life to reduce poverty.
Ratna Farida
Population in the word will end if the population is always increasing. This is due to several reasons such as births, the decline in death rates due to medical advances, from an increase in immigration, or from an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. It is possible for very sparsely populated area becomes overpopulated, there will be competition in all resources. In conclusion, population increases will affect all the amenities of life which will also increase. Thus, required an effort that will control the increasing population.
High Price of Education
The high costs of education are now and the number of people who are below the poverty line so it does not really care or pay attention to the importance of education for their children, so that makes kids drop out of school, children had only received education up to junior high school level or senior high school. Though the government wants to complete the nine-year compulsory education. If this problem does not get attention then the program will not be realized. Many children who stops their school because the parents can not to afford their children. The high costs of education are now also making to increase unemployment in Indonesia. And then with the number of unemployed in Indonesia makes social jealousy between the layers of society. Shortly, education is very important, but in fact education is only for people who have money now because high price of education.
Laelatul M
Laelatul Badriyah (20110540082)
Poverty because not stupid but factor the other cause poverty for exsampl PHK, natural disaster, s monthly mild inhabutant rate of growth always high and oportunities for employment milt, and that lost of living hight .so many people stopped school and then many people not can be work because not have skill and then not information enough .so many people poverty and effect it is in the family hardness, conflick interegional healthy milt because not can be buying eating the vitamin and then tusk energy weak. Shortly goverment must the more pay attention ,inhabitat effect and handed study skill and information,about work and that give support in order that not poverty againt and to be coumtries advance.
NIM : 20110540096
There are effect of poverty. First , many people can’t school becouse of the high cost cost of education. And they become unemployed. For example in indonesia there are many children who doesn’t school moreover they become begging, robbing, street singer for looking her/his own money to continoue their live. Second, many people commit suicide because of poverty experienced is too much, such as basic needs that can not meet the displaced stress, frustration and the best way is suicide for save the poverty. Third, lack of nutritional needs because of basic needs that are too high, causing people can not buy foods that contain lots of nutrients, as recommended that four of five perfectly healthy. Fourth, women to sell themselves and kill their children in Indonesia many women who sell themselves as to meet the economic needs of poverty as well as many pregnant women who has abortions and dispose of the child. they do it because they are not ready to meet the needs of this baby because of economic constraints experienced. In conclusion, the effect of poverty can’t make people continoue their live becouse of economy.

Name : Muhammad Habibi
NIM :20110540095
As we have all know, in Indonesia cigarettes are very popular among the teenagers. especially the boy. everywhere we can see the smokers. in fact, smoking is very harmful for human health. However many people are not aware of the dangers of smoking. In Addition, smokers can lose their concentration in the activity. Shortly, cigarette smoke harmful to human health and the natural surroundings.
Thank you…..
Name : Eko Kurniawan (20110540106)
Class : C
there are many level of poverty, which occurred in Indonesia are caused by several factors. The first, the lack of jobs for the workers their self employed, so the impact on unemployment is so rapid. Both the inability of individualism in meeting the economic needs that have an impact on many children who drop out of school. for example; street singer, the homeless, and others. Furthemore could also result from hereditary factors of poor families, thus causing the child come to be poor. In conclusion, the factors of poverty rate in Indonesia is growing rapidly, both in view of the physical and spiritual.
there are many level of poverty, which occurred in Indonesia are caused by several factors. The first, the lack of jobs for the workers their self employed, so the impact on unemployment is so rapid. Both the inability of individualism in meeting the economic needs that have an impact on many children who drop out of school. for example; street singer, the homeless, and others. Furthemore could also result from hereditary factors of poor families, thus causing the child come to be poor. In conclusion, the factors of poverty rate in Indonesia is growing rapidly, both in view of the physical and spiritual.
Nur Arifatun Nisa (20110540087)
Poverty is the state of one who lacks a certain amount of material possessions or money.
Effect for poverty :
1. Unemployment
Due to lack of jobs, unskilled, Unemployment structure appears instead of imbalance between the type of work. This imbalance may be caused by a shortage of skills, location, or karektor cloning.
Due to lack of jobs, unskilled, Unemployment structure appears instead of imbalance between the type of work. This imbalance may be caused by a shortage of skills, location, or karektor cloning.
2. Broke up school.
because has no cost to attend school.
3. Malnutrition
because, not having money to buy foods that are healthy and nutritious.
because, not having money to buy foods that are healthy and nutritious.
5. many street children
because they dropped out of school and have no cost to continue it, and finally they chose to become street children to make a living.
because they dropped out of school and have no cost to continue it, and finally they chose to become street children to make a living.
Martina Hikmah Passa (20110540102)
-smoke is delicious
-easily searchable
‘Smoking is very popular with the men.Everytime,anytime,anywhere we can see the smokers.They think that smocking is bad,but smocking is very harmful for health.Smoker claim that smocking is bad,because tobacco is very good,has become a habit and easily searchable.Whereas smocking can cause disturbances in the body such as impotence disordes,asthma,bronchities,impaired fetal lung,etc.If we’re hanging with smocking then the consequences will be harmfull to the body.
Aninda Hanifah (20110540075)
High price of education.
The high price of education is causing effects in our live. First, Unemployment, because of the high price of education some people are not continues their study in the higher grade. Some people only can fell their education until they graduated from Elementary School or Junior High School. Some of them also stop before they graduated. After they stop from their education, they are tried to find jobs. But we know that in Indonesia at least people must Senior High School graduated to get the job. Because they are not accepted, they just become unemployment people. Second, Many children stop their education. One of the effect of high price of education is many children stop their education. They can not get 9 years of education like government suggest. Some of phenomenon that happened in Indonesia, is they late pay until 10 month and over so that the children fell embarrassed and they won’t go to school again. Some of the children also end their life because they fell ashamed cannot pay their school. Third, Social jealousy, Many smart children from the poor family cannot continued their study because the high price. But children from rich family who just go to school as long as they like can continue their study because they can pay more. Shortly, there are some negative effects as a result of high place of education.
Causas Poverty
Poverty is a state that is not worth someone’s life,like unable to eat,has no place to life,can not meet basic needs.causes of poverty there are two.
The first is Natural poverty caused by limited natural resources,use of low tech and natural disasters.
Secondly is artificial poverty caused by Institutions that exist in society make some members of the public not avaible to master the economic means and various other facilities available until they remain poor.
Nama : Windi Ristiarini
NIM : 20110540093
Class : C
Sanda Aginza H
Smoking is very dangerous for health. Everywhere we always see people smokoing especially among men. Not only men but also we can see women smoking. They do not care about the dangers of smoking on health. About the dangers of smoking in general has a lot to know, especially for people who smoke cigarettes every day, in every pack of cigarettes there is writing about the dangers caused by smoking. SMOKING CAN CAUSE CANCER, HEART ATTACK, AND INTERFERENCE impotence PREGNANCY AND FETUS. But even if the pack or packs of cigarettes have included writing about the dangers of smoking are very intimidating, still many who smoker. People smoke because many factors such as associating with people who smoke, smokers think that cigarettes are delicious. Some of the dangers caused by smoking, among others, Cigarettes contain more than four thousand substances and two thousand of them have been stated cause is not good for our health, such as radioactive material and materials used in paints (acetone) , washing the floor (ammonia), ubat silverfish (naphthalene), insecticide (DDT), termite poison (arsenic). And substances in cigarettes are the most dangerous are the Tar, Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide. Tar contains approximately forty three ingredients that produce cancer or referred to carcinogens. Nicotine has a substance in cigarettes that can cause addiction, which is why the users of cigarettes is very difficult to quit smoking. Nicotine is the substance in cigarettes that is responsible for heart disease risk, 25 percent of people with heart disease are caused by smoking. Dangers of passive smoking for smokers increases the risk of lung cancer and respiratory problems including heart disease pneumonia and bronchitis, sore or painful eyes, sneezing and coughing, sore throat, headache. Shortly, subtances contained in cigarrets may destroyed our health.
Ratih putri ningrum 20110540077
Smoking is a habit that is very difficult to stop if it started to suck. The beginning of smoking is an addiction, neighborhood , friends play .The consequences of this poisoning happen gradually. Over the long term, smoking leads people to develop health problems like heart disease, stroke, emphysema (breakdown of lung tissue), and many types of cancer — including lung, throat, stomach, emphysema, respiratory distress, disorders of pregnancy and bladder cancer. People who smoke also have an increased risk of infections like bronchitis and pneumonia .These diseases limit a person's ability to be normally active, and they can be fatal. Smokers not only develop wrinkles and yellow teeth, they also lose bone density, which increases their risk of osteoporosis, a condition that causes older people to become bent over and their bones to break more easily. Smokers also tend to be less active than nonsmokers because smoking affects lung power. Smoking can also cause fertility problems and can impact sexual health in both men and women. Girls who are on the pill or other hormone-based methods of birth control (like the patch or the ring) increase their risk of serious health problems, such as heart attacks, if they smoke.
Poverty has many causes, some of them very basic. Some experts suggest, for instance, that the world has too many people, too few jobs, and not enough food. But such basic causes are quite intractable and not easily eradicated. In most cases, the causes and effects of poverty interact, so that what makes people poor also creates conditions that keep them poor. Primary factors that may lead to poverty include overpopulation, the unequal distribution of resources in the world economy, inability to meet high standards of living and costs of living, inadequate education and employment opportunities, environmental degradation, certain economic and demographic trends, and welfare incentives.
Until recently, birth rates and death rates were about the same, keeping the population stable. People had many children, but a large number of them died before age five.6 During the Industrial Revolution, a period of history in Europe and North America where there were great advances in science and technology, the success in reducing death rates was attributable to several factors: (1) in-creases in food production and distribution, (2) improvement in public health (water and sanitation), and (3) medical technology (vaccines and antibiotics), along with gains in education and standards of living within many developing nations.7 Without these attributes present in many children's lives, they could not have survived common diseases like measles or the flu. People were able to fight and cure deadly germs that once killed them. In addition, because of the technology, people could produce more and different kinds of food. Gradually, over a period of time, these discoveries and inventions spread throughout the world, lowering death rates and improving the quality of life for most people.8
Noor M. Fadhilah Y. A (20110540110)
Costs for education are now becoming increasingly expensive. That causes many children cannot continue their education because of the high price of education. Some people who only educated up to elementary school or junior high school. Indeed many children who should attend to school, prefer to work for their necessities of life. This is impact to social jealously among teenagers, children, and parents. Many children are smart but poor cannot continue their education because the cost is very expensive. But not a few ordinary children can continue their education to higher education because their parents could afford. It is not impossible that the high of education will impact on rising unemployment in this country too. Because mostly to become employee in the company, must have minimum high school diploma. Shortly, high price of education will not lead us to prosperity, but it will bring this nation in the downturn.
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